About Us

Rage Against the Magitek was formed from poor outcasts that came together to make something that showed they were more then just the ne’er do wells the flames thought they were. Missing a critical member of the band, they have bribed Ken with beach music. They play anything from songs of the sea to modern punk music.Front woman Punk Monk, is joined on stage by Anahi, Etgar, Ken Carson and Amianne Beltardois.They regularly play at Café Eòlas, Audio Riot, Peachy Pink Bakery, and sometimes do popups around the city states.
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Set List

Rise Against
Swing Life Away
People live here
Hero of war
Re-education through labor
The Violence
Prayer of the Refugee
But Tonight we dance
Approaching Curve
Life Less Frightening
Anywhere But Here
Blood To Bleed
Behind Closed Doors
Tragedy + Time
Elective Amnesia
Everchanging + Accousitc
Good Left Undone
Like The Angel
Nowhere Generation
Paper Wings
Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
The Violence
To Them These Street Belong
Misc. Alternative
I was a Teenage Anarchist | Against me | Punk
Thrash Unreal | Against Me | Punk
Nazi Punks FUCK OFF | Dead Kennedys | Surf Punk
Holiday in Cambodia | Dead Kennedys | Surf Punk
California Über Allies | Dead Kennedys | Surf Punk
Too Drunk To Fuck | Dead Kennedys | Surf Punk
Kill The Poor | Dead Kennedys | Surf Punk
Miserlou | Agent Orange | Surf Punk
Blood Stains | Agent Orange | Surf Punk
Everything Turns Grey | Agent Orange | Surf Punk
40 Oz On Repeat | FIDLAR | Surf Punk
Kali Ma | Neck Deep | Skate
December | Neck Deep | Skate
Golden Steps | Neck Deep | Skate
Can't Kick Up The Roots | Neck Deep | Skate
Rusted From The Rain | Billy Talent | Pop Punk
Red Flag | Billy Talent | Pop Punk
Viking Death March | Billy Talent | Pop Punk
Teenagers | My Chemical Romance | Pop Punk
Helena | My Chemical Romance | Pop Punk
Basket Case | Green Day | Punk
American Idiot | Green Day | Punk
Wake Me Up When September Ends | Green Day | Punk
21 Guns | Green Day | Punk
When I come Around | Green Day | Punk
Nervous Break Down | Black Flag | Punk
Fix Me! | Black Flag | Punk
My War! | Black Flag | Punk
Rise Above! | Black Flag | Punk
TV Party | Black Flag | Punk
London Calling | The Clash | Punk
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? | The Clash | Punk
I Wanna Be Sedated | The Ramones | Punk
Blitzkrieg Bop | The Ramones | Punk
Spiderman | The Ramones | Punk
Minor Threat | Minor Threat | Punk
Punk Rock 101 | Bowling For Soup | Pop Punk/Ska
Highschool Never Ends | Bowling For Soup | Pop Punk/Ska
Take Me Out | Franz Ferdinand | Rock
So Cold | Breaking Benjamin | Rock
Don't Fear the Reaper | Blue Oyster Cult | Rock
Kanzen Kankau Dreamer | ONE OK ROCK | JPunk
Wherever You Are | ONE OK ROCK |JPunk
Johnny Cash
Folsom Prison Blues
Man in Black
I Walk the Line
God's Gonna Cut You Down
The Highway Man
Cocaine Blues
I Won't Back Down
Union Folk
Which Side are you on?, Florence Reece
Folk Punk
Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist, Ramshackle Glory (pat the bunny)
The politics of Holy shit i just cut myself on a broken bottle, Pat the Bunny
Whiskey is my lullaby, Pat the bunny
Misanthropic Drunken Loner, Dayz n Daze
Post Party Depression, Dayz n Daze
Anime / TV / Movies
Are Kara, Full Metal Panic
Tomorrow, Full Metal Panic
Discotheque, Rosario Vampire
Mukanjyo, Vinland saga
River, Vinland Saga
The Blessing, MSG Witch from Mercury
Koi no Yukue, My Dress up Darling
Grief and Sorrow, Naruto
Leaves from the Vine, Avatar TLAB
I'm still here, Jim’s theme, Treasure Planet
Assassin’s Creed 3 Theme
Assassin's Creed 4 Theme
Ezio’s Family, Assassin’s Creed 2
Rooftops of Venice, Assassin’s Creed 2
Unbenannt, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
My Mother Told Me, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Valhalla Calling, Miracle of Sound (based on Assassin’s Creed Valhalla)
Sovngarde Song, Miracle of Sound,
Leave her Johnny,The longest Johns, Assassin's Creed 4
Halo 3 Theme, Halo 3
On a Pale Horse, Halo 3
Never Forget, Halo 3
Rain, Halo 3 ODST
The fall/New Alexandria, Halo Reach
Ghost and Glass, Halo Reach
Heartache by the Number, Fallout New Vegas
Lone Star, Fallout New Vegas
I don't want to set the world on fire, Inkspots, Fallout
Everyday is Night, VA-11 Hall-a
Everything will be Ok, VA-11 Hall-a
Hopes and Dreams, VA-11 Hall-a
Karmotrine Dream, VA-11 Hall-a
You’ve Got me, VA-11 Hall-a
Dawn Approaches, VA-11 Hall-a
Your Love is a Drug, VA-11 Hall-a
Able's Sisters | Animal Crossing - Wild World
The Roost | Animal Crossing - Wild World
Tomorrow and Tomorrow | Final Fantyasy XIV
Living Memory theme [The Golden City] | Final Fantasy XIV
Close in the Distance | Final Fantasy XIV
Tales of Loss and Fire and Fate [Ultima Thule] | Final Fantasy XIV
Oblivion (Rock Version) | Final Fantasy XIV